Hey All!!!
So, this is my very first post on my new blog... yay! I'm kinda excited.. it's something new and different from the everyday of my boring life at home.. I swear the only things I think about are
1. Driving Jackie ( my high school/sister/friend's little sister) to and from school
2. Who I have to email and/or contact for rehearsal tonight?
3. How many ads can I sell tomorrow?
4. How am I going to pay for books for school next semester?
5. And What will college be like in Rexburg, ID in January... besides cold!
Sigh, College, work, money, ...that's all I think right now.. Even my true love, my passion of passions has been taken victim of the cruelty of finding a job. Now that I'm out of school, I can get jobs like stage managing for $300 here or $350 there.... sigh, at least I got to do what I really love to do all summer, which is teach a group of really talented kids how to sing, dance, and act... and I got paid for it! I wish that camp would have lasted forever most days ( other days.. performances never came soon enough.. lol)
But as for life in the world of Kelly Baker, I am pretty happy. My parents are both working again, mom's not deathly ill anymore, I'm getting money (no matter how little and infrequently), I can drive anywhere without worrying about paying my own gas ( my parents love me...) and I also have some pretty great opportunities coming up in Tracy like my part in The Diary of Anne Frank. I'll be playing Miep Gies and I'm so excited! I have been expirimenting all week with my hair... the show isn't until november.. but like I said before.. It's my passion of passions!
Well, after a boring day of staying home and exercising, then attending rehearsal for Tracy Our Town USA, I'm wiped.. I'll be sure to post more as time passes!
See you in the Spotlight <3
Kelly ;)