Monday, August 16, 2010

Life Comes at You Fast...

These last few weeks have been an absolute whirl wind for me. I don't think 3 weeks could have gone by any faster. Here I was practically wishing I could hurl myself all the way to California so that I could get home from school instead of having to wait those super long hours during the car ride home, and now I'm typing what might be my last post before I'm in Orlando, FL!!!
We spent today just getting ready. Making sure I was packed, that I knew where I was going and how I was getting there. Making sure I had all the correct paperwork printed and filled out, and that I said goodbye to any dear friends I have here in Tracy.

Then I realized as I was putting the last of my stuff in my suitcases....

9 months... 9 months....

It was like one of those moments in the movies where you hear the voice in your head echo a certain phrase a million times over and over again, and you always think it will stop with the next one but it doesn't... I never thought that I'd be spending 9 months of my life away from home and away from my family and friends my first first year out of High School. I am going to be living independently across the entire country for 5 whole months... and then flying immediately back to school to jump into classes. I wont see my parents until April 2011... It feels like April 2010 was just yesterday! As you can see, life's catching up to me.. as Momma likes to quote the MasterCard commercial... "Life comes at you fast..."

But I can do this. I just got through some of the worst challenges and hardships these past six months on my own! I moved to a new state in the debt of winter ( -19 degrees!!!), I survived a horrendous first date while maintaining my dignity, signed up for my own classes and made the adjustments myself to fit my needs, auditioned and was cast in my first college production (and had a fabulous time. thank you Barber of Seville Cast and Crew! ), Got MONO for 3 weeks and was incapacitated and threating to enter the emergency room BUT I SURVIVED AND KEPT A 3.1 GPA!!!, I also got through some of the worst roommate drama ever endured by one woman.... BUT I DID IT! I didn't come home, I did threaten to come home and cried to my mother like a baby for about a solid month, BUT I DIDN'T COME HOME! I finished my first year of college and that means that I can live across the country in a big city and figure things out and live to tell the tale, right? ...right?

Oh, boy... well, here goes nothing, right? No turning back now... WISH ME LUCK!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kelly, you are a superstar in all aspects of life! Hang on an enjoy the ride; it's going to be a blast!
